Food Lion Assistant Store Managers to Receive Notice of Pending Lawsuit Seeking Recovery of Unpaid Overtime
Judge Eli Richardson today gave the green light for nationwide notice to be sent to Assistant Store Managers who worked for Food Lion between March 17, 2015 and November 20, 2019 to inform them of a pending lawsuit seeking the recovery of unpaid overtime and to permit them a chance to join. The Assistant Store Managers who commenced the lawsuit sought permission under federal law to distribute the notice. A copy of Judge Richardson’s decision can be found here. Judge Richardson initially denied the request, but after being asked to reconsider his decision subsequently granted permission for the notice to be sent. This means that current and formers Assistant Store Managers who worked for Food Lion during the above period will receive a mailed notice that describes this lawsuit and their option to join. A website with case information and documents can be found here.
If you would like to join the lawsuit or learn more, please contact Conway Legal at (215) 278-4782.